Love Yourself

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

ME: Jesus is it possible that I am my own worst enemy?

JESUS: Why do you even ask that question?

ME: Because when I become angry with myself. I say some pretty mean things; things I would never say to another living being.

JESUS: Yes, I have heard your rants and your words are truly unpleasant. You are now in your golden years, but I think that you have not yet learned to be friends with yourself.

ME: How can I be friends with someone who makes such goofy mistakes? It’s not all the time but sometimes I become so frustrated with my lack of technology skills, my inability to solve issues or follow simple directions. I often feel mentally challenged. I know I’m not, but that is how I feel!

JESUS: You are quite impatient with yourself but to be perfectly honest with you, there are matters that I designed you not to solve. I want you to reach out to others for help and for their knowledge. You see, the problem is that you challenge yourself and put such high standards out there that no one could ever achieve.

ME: I just want to know more so I won’t become a bother to other people.

JESUS: Have you heard a thing I’ve said? You are striving for perfection in areas that do not belong to you. It’s like hunting on posted property. It means keep out or you will have to deal with the consequences.  I put those signs up for you to obey.

ME: Is that why I cannot seem to make sense of them?

JESUS: My precious child, you will never get some of these things mastered. I intended it to be that way. And I never enjoy hearing you put yourself down. You don’t do it to others, why are you verbally abusive to yourself?

ME: I am so sorry, it really has become a bad habit and now that I am more aware of it, I will try to use positive affirmations more.

JESUS: Beloved, I know you! Please do not seek immediate perfection. Changes come slower for you these days. Be kind and love yourself as I embrace you with My loving arms.

ME: I think I understand what You are saying, You want me to love myself like You love me. Do I have it right?

JESUS: Yes, then you will be able to love others as I do. Maybe you were listening after all.

Let Yourself Be Loved

Mo Haner