In the Potter’s Hands

Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay; you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8 

There are many songs I have heard over the years themed from Isaiah 64:8. When I hear the words, I easily identify with the emotions that surface. Each song touches me whether I am having a beautiful day being thankful for the blessings, or not having a good day because of my own mistakes and behaviors.  

Pottery is an art form, and I can visualize many of the various kinds made by hand. Some are very plain, but serviceable. Others are so delicate and ornate which sets them apart. Can I be both—pretty but serviceable? 

If I were real pottery, would I just want to sit there letting others adore me, but never being touched, held, or useful in any capacity? Or should I want to be the earthen vessel that has been of value to many, worn out from all the positive service over the years?

 Our life is the work of God's hands. Just like clay in the hand of a potter, He molds and makes us in ways that delight Him but He can break us when necessary to refine and reshape. God uses all things in our lives to transform and even redesign us.

Isaiah calls on Israel not to give into fear explaining that God was with them. He was the one holding them in His hands. Just as it was then, we are to submit to God’s refining so that we can be used for His plan. It doesn’t matter whether we are a plain piece of pottery or painted with glitter and gold! 

How do we want others to view us? How are we living? Are we filled with God’s plan; living as He has instructed us to live, or are we feeling empty, unable to let God refine us to be beautiful both inside and out. The truth is that it is not how we look that gives us worth. The value is our filling. We are to be saturated daily with His Word and to share His love with others. Let’s not sit on the shelf being empty! Fill yourself daily in His Presence. We were all made by His Hands and were never designed to just collect dust.  

The Potter’s Hand

Heavenly Father, I look forward daily to be filled with Your word and Your blessings. I know that my outward appearance is truly meaningless without Your love giving me my worth in this fallen world. Use me as You wish and allow me to glorify You. AMEN.

Patti Tichonoff