Why Can’t We All Get Along?

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Romans 12:18

Today, I watched one of the chickens meet three baby chipmunks. What a hilarious encounter it was! They live under the bush right outside of my writing room, under the bird feeder where seeds frequently drop. Aren’t they smart little critters?

The fat, red hen was curious but did not peck at them. She seemed more inquisitive than anything else. The chippies went up to the chicken and smelled her feet and then continued playing.

This makes me wonder: Why can’t we all get along? I am referring to sharing space and food as these four unrelated creatures were able to do. There was no pushing, shoving, or bullying. They did not display any threatening moves or feel the need to protect their turf. Their interest in each other was quite noticeable.

What might our world look like if we were intrigued by others and less judgmental? We are critical creatures! We see someone of a different ethnicity, and we immediately begin stuffing them in a little box with others we think are similar. Yikes! As human beings, we tend to form opinions of others without any kind of investigation. One is like another, right? Wrong!

When is it time to stop judging and get to know others before making any rash decisions? We even go so far as to judge by family. “Well, her grandfather was a racist, so she must be one too.”  We even go so far as to comment about where a person was born. How foolish is that kind of thinking and yet, if we’re honest, we will admit to those kinds of thoughts. Remember the words of Nathanael who asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see” John 1:46 (ESV). Of course, they were talking about Jesus. This has been going on for thousands of years. It isn’t new.

Changing habits is not an easy thing to do—especially for older folks like me. We have experiences that throw up red flags. But God has a better plan for us. Shake off that old way of thinking and those prejudicial comments. Become more open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and maybe we can learn to love one another as He loves us.

All Creatures of Our God and King

Heavenly Father, thank You for being so patient with us. Help us to lay aside our unloving thoughts and words and try harder to get along with others. Teach us Your ways.

Photo: Mo Johnston

Mo Haner