The Pesky Dirtbag in My Heart

…And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2

Watching a cat ride a robotic vacuum is so very funny! I have witnessed this happen and the cat looked like this one above. He sat like a statue atop this whirling little machine as it glided over the floor. When the ride/vacuuming was done, his owner took out a small hand-held vacuum and ran it over him several times. She then considered her house clean. Jeanette Levellie (Mornings with Jesus) shares a life lesson learned from her marvelous little appliance.


I wasn’t born with the “love to clean house” gene. So, when a friend showed me her robotic vacuum that nearly ran itself, I convinced my husband we needed one.

I love to watch this miracle gadget spin over floors and carpets. It inhales all the dirt in its path, pivots when it hits a wall, and plugs itself back into the charger when it’s finished. I also love having a clean floor without lifting a finger.

Nevertheless, our new toy requires more involvement from us than we’d hoped. It needs rescuing if it catches on fringe from a bedspread or hits a carpet snag. We also need to empty the canister after each use.

The vacuum reminds me a bit of me.

I need to grow in many areas. Overcome bad habits. Gain victory over besetting sins, with which I constantly struggle. I’d prefer that Jesus do all the work. I want to come to Him with my worry, gluttony, or envy and have Him make it all disappear like the cat hair that our miracle vacuum sucks up. Without any work on my part. Without having to clean out that pesky dirtbag in my heart. I want to simply watch Jesus do His thing.

Then I remember that He already has. His sacrifice on the cross has made me clean, with no effort required on my part. I needn’t lift a finger—that’s the real miracle.


FAITH STEP: Write down a list of your dirty spots you’re struggling with. Pray about them daily and ask Jesus to make you clean.

White as Snow

Heavenly Father, thank You for the technology You have placed in our hands. Help us to daily return to Your Word of truth that does not change from generation to generation. Teach us to rely on the Holy Spirit to get rid of the dirt in our hearts. AMEN.

Mo Haner