Stay Positive

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. Ecclesiastes 7:14.

I grapple with this verse that King Solomon wrote—for me it’s tough. I have experienced those prosperous and adversarial situations on a weekly basis and probably daily at times. You’ve had those experiences where you wake up happy and go to bed confused or angry, even sad.

In questioning your day and the events that took place you may have even questioned God. “What are YOU doing?” It doesn’t even register to ask, “What have I done?” We tend not to celebrate the day’s events when they are negative. Seldom do we look inward and say, “Thank You God for being there with me, even when the day was not what I had hoped.” But, if the day's events were pleasant, WE usually take credit for it.  

Recently, I met a sweet new friend that I am getting to know. She always offers a smile and sweet words come from her heart, but I began to notice that not all her days are good. This is a person most of us want to be around because she is so positive. I learned that she has some serious medical issues (along with her daughter). I was taken aback by this reveal due to her up-lifting spirit. 

I am overwhelmed by her faith that she displays each day. Does she have down days? Of course, she does, but it is the Spirit within her that is alive, and she knows God will take care of her. She shows confidence through her words and her appearance and shares it with her actions. I know we are not supposed to compare, but I fall short of this kind of faith.

God blends our good times and our bad times so that we cannot predict our future, count on human wisdom or lean on our own power. As I said earlier, when things are good, we usually take credit for it rather than say, “Thank You God.” And when things are bad or not to our satisfaction, we tend to blame others or even God for the failure.

God is so good that He can use the bad to turn us back to Him. We need not be in despair, remember, God is in control and WILL bring good through bad times. Lean on Him for all things.

Whatever Comes 

Father, You are a God of love. You sacrificed Your own Son on the cross to forgive our sins. Thank You that we can reach out to You daily for Your support both in good and bad times. We are forever grateful.  AMEN

Patti Tichonoff