If Only

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. Hebrews 12:28

For many years, I truly believed that a new job, car, home, relationship or location would bring me joy. That kind of thinking threw my life into utter chaos and disaster. The grass always seemed a much prettier shade of green on the other side of the white picket fence (that I never had). Finally, someone shook my cage and told me rather bluntly, “Learn to live with yourself and be grateful for what you have been given.”

I didn’t like me, and I didn’t have anything so that statement made no sense—at the time.

Max Lucado, (one of my all-time favorite authors) explains things very well.


The widest river in the world is not the Mississippi, Amazon, or Nile. It is a body of water called If Only. Throngs of people stand on its banks and cast longing eyes over the waters. They desire to cross but can’t seem to find the ferry. They are convinced the If Only River separates them from the good life.

If only I were thinner, I’d have the good life.

If only I were richer, I’d have the good life.

If only the kids would come. If only the kids were gone. If only I could leave home, move home, get married, get divorced.

The If Only River.

Are you standing on its shore? Does it seem the good life is always one “if only” away.

If so, then we’ve traced your anxiety back to one of its sources.

“If only” is the petri dish in which anxiety thrives. Replace your “if only” with “already.” Look at what you already have. Treat each anxious thought with a grateful one, and prepare yourself for a new day of joy.


I wish I had met Max thirty years ago…but maybe I wasn’t ready for his message then. For the chance to share his words today, I am grateful.

Give Thanks

Father God, thank You for what You have already done for us. Forgive us when we whine and pout about what we don’t have. Turn our faces toward You each step of the way. AMEN.

Mo Haner