God Who Weeps

Jesus wept. John 11:35

Jesus' friend Lazarus has died. Picture his sisters weeping. Picture the many people who have come to comfort Mary and Martha. They're weeping too. Now picture Jesus, who has come belatedly. He, too, is weeping. Why?

Jesus wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). He wept then out of grief because His beloved people refused to recognize that He is God, and their blindness would eventually lead them to terrible suffering. But why is Jesus weeping here at Lazarus's tomb?

I remember hearing someone say that Jesus didn't really need to weep. After all, in the next few moments He was going to raise Lazarus back to life! But Jesus wept anyway.

Jesus wept because He willingly entered into the sorrow of the people around him. He wept alongside them. He was and is Immanuel-"God with us"-all the way. Perhaps Jesus wept as He was moved and even angered at the devastation sin and brokenness has caused humanity and this world He created.

Of course, Jesus did more than weep. He raised Lazarus and, by doing so, revealed the glory of God. In His own death and resurrection , Jesus destroyed the power of sin and death. That's what Jesus does. He enters our sorrowful world and then brings new life and hope out of sorrow, to God's glory.

Picture Jesus weeping. Then remember what He has done so that someday there will be no more weeping.

Dear Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, quickly bring the day when You will wipe away every tear-when death, mourning, crying, and pain will end. Thank You for being with us all the way. Amen.

Inspired by a Today Devotion

Jesus Wept

Bobbie Hoffman