An Unusual Friendship

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.  Romans 12:16 (NIV)

I have never wanted to be very chummy with a rat. Even though they are quite intelligent and have almost outlived all other living things, they are not my idea of a perfect pet. However, Randy Benedetto (All God’s Creatures) shares significant values of these rodents.


My uncle was a coal miner in the hills of West Virginia in the 1950s. He worked in small mines with three to six other miners. The mine entrance was easily accessible, which made it an attractive invitation to creatures seeking warmth in the winter and coolness in the summer.

While reading about the history of the area, I learned that there were rats in the mines, drawn there by the grain fed to the mine ponies. The miners also fed the rats. When I asked my uncle about this, he corroborated the account. He went on to explain that the miners always saved a small portion of their lunches to feed the rats. Sometimes they even named them and treated them as pets.

I was curious why these men would care for rats, an animal so often disdained and looked upon with disgust. The answer was simple, my uncle made it clear. A rat could hear much better than the miners. When the rats would start running for the entrance of the mine, the miners would hurry to get out as well. Rats could detect a mine timber breaking or the roof cracking. If the rats looked groggy, it could mean that the air was bad. The smallest and humblest of creatures and the big, strong men took care of one another! The rodents were treasured friends to the miners who saw value and worth in the baseborn creature, which had saved many lives.

Most of society measures the value or worth of a person according to beauty, wealth, age, strength, education, or other outward appearances. God loves all people the same, even those who feel like nobodies and outcasts. All God’s creatures—especially His people—are created for a wonderful purpose. We are important to Him and can practice seeing others through His eyes.

For all, His love He gave. For all, He came to save.

Love all and gain a crown. At the Cross, it’s level ground. —R.B.

A Place in the Choir

Father, our Sovereign Creator, thank You for all living things. Please help us not to be snobby about who we are or who they are and help us to see them (and us) through Your eyes. AMEN.

Mo Haner