Dance with the Moment

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

One of the most difficult things to do is to give thanks during a crisis. It does not come naturally. It feels out of place and awkward. We usually think of dancing as part of a celebration or party. I don’t recall ever having danced upon receiving bad news. If you are totally honest, neither have you. Somehow, we can’t find the strength within us to do a little soft-shoe, two step or waltz.

Making friends with the moment isn’t always easy! How in the world does one let go of our regular joyful Partner and dance with sadness or pain? Give thanks in all circumstances. If this were not possible, no one would have written these words. So how do we keep going?

Do not let go of that joyful Partner—no matter what happens. We must cling to His Hand with absolute trust. As we whirl and spin through our days, there will be minor melodies. We cannot avoid them (loss, illness, accidents etc.) but God’s Word encourages us to still give thanks. What we learn from these new songs of the moment may change our lives forever. Perhaps we will even learn a new dance step or two.

With life comes change! Don’t be afraid to try something new—a new dance routine or simply be led by the Holy Spirit to freely express yourself where only you can hear the music. Perhaps we are too inhibited to let go and dance with the moment. This is a worthy thank offering from the soul. He smiles! Whether your two left feet stumble or whether you are gracefully carried away with the ethereal notes, dancing with the moment is an act of praise and gratitude.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Gracious Savior, we thank You for all the moments of our lives. You have given us much to be grateful for and we give You praise. Help us learn to glorify You, even in the most difficult moments. AMEN.

Mo Haner