Palm Sunday Prayer

They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! John 12:13.

Triumphant Lord, we rejoice in Your entry into the world and into our lives! We sing Your praises and exalt Your reign.

This Holy Week help us reflect on how our hearts can be so fickle and are often so far from true worship. Help us to acknowledge that our minds are distant from true understanding.

Our sins led to Your death, even as You came to give us Life. The world seeks war even though You call us to Peace. Forgive what we have done and left undone and who we have been.

Transform us. Help us to reflect Your Love and Light in our lives, to Your glory. May others see You, Christ in us.
As we move through Holy week, stir up within us the gift of faith that we may not only praise You with our lips, but with our lives. Amen.

All Glory, Laud and Honor

Bobbie Hoffman