Crying “Hawk”

Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them. Numbers 14:9 (ESV)

Our minds often play tricks on us. We think we hear things or see things and before we have figured it out, fear takes over. Jerusha Agen, contributing writer with All God’s Creatures, shares a story from her life as a volunteer zoo watcher.


The shadow of a flying bird crossed the ground, approaching the prairie dogs. One prairie dog screeched—the warning call of danger. All the prairie dogs darted into their tunnels or logs.

As a volunteer zoo watcher, I observed the animals, then reported their behavior and any apparent health concerns. In this case, I wasn’t worried. If the bird was dangerous, the prairie dogs would be safe in their underground tunnels.

After a few moments, they inched out, cautiously emerging as they checked to make sure the threat had passed. The babies, called pups, were the last to appear, waiting until their parents yipped to signal safety.

Following a short time of peace, another warning sounded. The alert was quieter this time, bursting from the mouth of an adolescent pup. He looked at his family as if waiting for them to react. He gave a call again. The adults stayed in the open, munching their lunch of kibble and foraging for more.

Prairie dogs face a serious threat from birds of prey, including hawks. But this pup imagined he saw a hawk where there wasn’t one. Perhaps from inexperience or a fearful nature, he falsely cried “Hawk.” Though I laughed then, I realized how often I do the same thing. Like the men sent to scout Jericho for the Israelites, I see giants where there aren’t any. I see threats where there are none, leading to frequent worry and anxiety. I could defend myself by saying that sometimes there is real danger. But is there? After all, God promises to always be with us and that no harm will come to us outside His will and control. Every time I’m afraid, I’m crying, “Hawk!” I should instead shout God’s reassuring command: Do not fear!

I Will Fear No More

Walk of Faith: What is making you anxious today? Take that “hawk” to God in prayer and read the promises in His Word to remember you have nothing to fear.

 Photo: Cooper Hawk by Carol Starkweather Shelman (Michael’s niece)

Mo Haner