Melt Our Ice

With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. James 3:9-10 (ESV)

Oh, what beauty is found in a quiet snowfall. To stand outside and listen to silence and an occasional bird singing in the trees puts a song in my heart.

For hours I have watched the snow falling on an already snow-covered ground. There seemed to be no let up. But now, the sleet has begun. How easily the peaceful setting has morphed; now being hammered by pellets of ice. The environment has been transformed.

Are we like that? Is it possible to appear calm, joyful and radiant only to turn icy cold with our bitter and biting words? As I watch these little feathered ones at the feeders, things have dramatically changed. A short time ago, they were hopping with excitement from branch to branch and now they appear puffed up and clinging to wet, icy limbs. They continue feeding amidst the icicles but it is not the same.

Perhaps we are more like these chickadees, juncos, nuthatches, and blue jays than we would like to think. Are we fair-weathered believers? When life is rosy, we can shine with the best of them—until a storm overwhelms us.  All is calm, all is bright—until it’s not. Then everything starts to freeze. No longer are we radiant. Instead, we become snarky and take pot shots at our families and friends. (But they have to forgive us because they love us. Right?)

If only we could see the damage that we do to others by spewing our cold words.

Now as the wind has picked up, the feeder tree brushes the window. Yet another sign of nature’s harshness.

We cannot exist in this miserable mess!  Just as the rain is washing away all the snow, we must ask God to cleanse us from our unkind thoughts, words, and deeds. He can melt our ice and with His help, fortunately we can start our day over at any time.


Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us even when we are not very lovable. Teach us to be kind even when we are dealing with life storms. Help us to press in closer to Your warm, loving embrace. AMEN.

Photo: Mo Johnston

Mo Haner