
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

Michael and I enjoy taking rides around the countryside to see what we can find. Sometimes we see nothing at all and other times, God opens the forests and fields to us. We often have the discussion of traveling to faraway places and it seems neither of us get excited; especially since there is so much to see and do right around here. I have not settled for less; I’ve opened my eyes and heart to what I have. That brings me great joy. Erin Keeley Marshall (Mornings with Jesus) shares her spirit of adventure.


I love to travel. I even love the research involved in finding places to explore and sites to see. My family is dreaming of a European vacation, and we are currently narrowing down the countries we’d like to visit. England, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Greece…how do we choose? They all sound fascinating.

This enjoyment of new-to-me locations has always been part of who I am, and it has evolved as I’ve grown. Before I could drive, I liked bike riding because I could expand my horizons across town. When I got a driver’s license, I was excited to explore the bigger world of other towns. And the freedom of my first road trip with friends felt like an IV of energy coursing through my soul as we crossed state lines.

Jesus created me with a unique spirit of adventure, a longing beyond the routine. That desire doesn’t mean I only want to go to faraway places, though. Adventure can take the form of a new hobby, job, relationship, or growth step. But most of all, my unique spirit for adventure provides a pathway to experience the vast character of Jesus. I’ve traveled through many decades with Him, and He always has more to show me about Himself—great and unsearchable things I don’t yet known or discovered about Him.

Do you have dreams to get away and desires for new adventures? Maybe it’s time for an adventure with Jesus—abroad, or right in your own home.

FAITH STEP: Journal about a trip you want to take or a desire you have. Ask Jesus to show you one new thing about His character.

The Journey

Heavenly Father, thank You for our journey and for leading us along the path. Teach us to be content with where we are but to desire more of You. AMEN.

Photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner