Bubbling Joy

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

To this day, I still enjoy blowing bubbles. I love to see those light, little bubbles being carried into the air. Even more, I am happily fascinated to watch young children (or a dog) discover the fun of catching them.

It does not always take much to entertain us. How simple is this activity. We blow into a little plastic wand and out comes dozens of pop-worthy suds. They are almost weightless, and a good gust of wind can send them sailing. When they land, they may cling for a few moments and then they burst.

Transformation by the sun’s light alters them into bedazzling colors and each one is different. Some are huge and others are tiny. Many cling together and fly connected in a clump.

We are like these bubbles. Right? Our light spirit lets us be joyful and childlike. Floating along with the breeze, we find peace. We laugh and enjoy the simple things in life. When the Son’s light shines on us, we are changed. Am I correct so far or have I scrambled your thoughts?

Too much activity, stress, responsibility, and guilt prevent us from enjoying a simple life. What a ghastly quartet! These days are jampacked with events and they certainly can cause a great deal of stress.

This was never what God intended for us. We have injured ourselves by playing along with the quartet. But how do we cancel our membership? Me personally, I would take a day off. Pick a sunny day, go to the nearest Dollar Tree and buy some bubbles. Go outside and get busy.

Let our loving Father hold you by the hand. Hear Him laugh and giggle with you; (He will do that, you know). Watch how He will lift you up and how beautifully you’ll shine in His radiant Light.

Have fun!

God Is on the Move

Heavenly Father, as Your loving children, we praise Your holy Name. We confess that we can get caught up in the quartet of business. Thank You for providing a way to get out and have more fun. Help us to understand that fun is allowed in our lives. AMEN. 

Mo Haner