How I See Other People

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Heaven – an unexpected journey (Jim Woodford) offers some answers that I had never thought of before. Could it be that there is more kindness than evil? Jim explains it from his first-hand experience in Heaven.


How I See Other People

I had a conversation with one of the angels I have not previously mentioned in this book. I said, “On earth I wake up in the morning and see the news of the carnage the night before. There is so much hatred and killing and murder and disgrace going on. Why hasn’t God come back and claimed the earth as He promised?”

The angel looked at me with a wise and quizzical smile and replied, “God isn’t finished with the earth yet.”

I said, “How can He not be finished? Doesn’t He see what happens every day in our mess down there? Why wouldn’t He fix it?”

He raised his hand to calm me down, and said, “James, what mankind fails to realize are the countless acts of kindness that occur every second of every minute of every hour of every earth day.” And then he made a motion with his hands, spreading them out before me as if to showcase something. He said, “If you took all the countless billions of acts of kindness, helping the sick, caring for the elderly, loving your sister, loving your brother, helping your pastor, being part of a Christian community, it would be overwhelming. They are all recorded in the book of your life. Then if you took all the evil in the world that you think is so dominant, it is this big.” (He made a gesture pinching his thumb and index finger closer together to show me how small the evil is in proportion.)


In our world, seldom are these acts of kindness reported. Perhaps we should be more alert. Is it possible that the angel’s words were truthful? Have we been missing this piece of information all our lives? There is still so much to learn!


Heavenly Father, thank You for the testimony of this man, his sharing and great concern for others. We need to see more kindness in the world—to uncover it and to remember that God is not done with our world—not yet! AMEN.  

Mo Haner