Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:9-10

Waiting for the other shoe to drop steals your joy. Perhaps one shoe has already dropped and it has been a wonderful experience. For some reason, we have grown up believing that we have one good event followed by something bad. My Grandmother, Emily, used to say, “Keep both shoes on the floor.” I never understood what she meant until she was gone. She was telling me that there will always be the pleasant and unpleasant. It is unwise to get too excited about the good and too bummed about the bad.

Stay level headed. In our world today, this is not an easy task. We tend to jump back and forth between joyful expressions and moody blues. There is this nagging caution or concern that something bad will happen. And it might! However, what if by the thumping of that other shoe, there is a lesson learned that changes our lives?

Worry has always been a joy thief. How easily we give up our joy to all the ‘what if’s’ that society throws our way. Many times, we don’t even put up a fight. We know His Name and we still throw in the towel and cower as we wait for the other shoe to drop. Is this a myth or an old wives’ tale or is it a reality we must live with?

Fighting dread is a life-long battle. It sneaks in without much notice. Amid elated moments, it can snatch joy right out of our hands. This is an unseen, ruthless enemy that must be conquered. We go to war using God’s Word. Speak it like you mean it.

Take control of the battlefield—your mind.

Hard Season

Heavenly loving Father, we praise Your Name for You are sovereign. Please forgive us when we fall prey to ungodly emotions and dreads. Thank You for always being with us. Please give us strength and courage to fight the good fight. AMEN.

Mo Haner