Change the Channel
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 (ESV)
If it doesn’t glorify God, for heaven’s sake, change the channel. All we must do is press the remote button. But where are the wholesome programs? Even the news is not soul-nourishing. There are a few oldies out there – Bonanza, Lassie, Andy of Mayberry, etc., however most people under forty will say they are not realistic. The younger crowd today is looking for reality shows.
My grandmother, Emily, would be greatly disturbed with what she would see on television today. Even commercials would cause her to come unglued! Women in bras and then ads about underpants. “Disgraceful!” I can hear her voice even today.
If I were to have ask her ‘what should I be doing?’, she would definitely have said something like this: learn a poem and keep your hands busy. Read the Bible and memorize verses because you never know when you’ll need them. Sing songs that make you happy (she sang hymns from sunup to sundown). Have a useful hobby (sewing, making quilts, crocheting). Watch and identify the birds and keep the feeders filled. Work in the vegetable and flower gardens. Bake sweet treats for others and make big meals for the shut-ins so there will be leftovers. The last thing she would have said was watch TV (although she enjoyed watching The Secret Storm—which was the reality show in the 50’s-60’s).
What happened? Does anyone do any of that stuff today? I certainly hope so!
How much time do we spend watching TV or on our electronics? She would be absolutely alarmed to see all devices that are used to communicate with others. In her day, she had a three-party telephone line, and she did not enjoy talking on the phone. Today she would be horrified to see people at the same table texting each other instead of verbally sharing.
She was a godly woman and gave sound advice for then and now. Instead of tuning in or changing the channel to find something of value on the wall-mounted-flat screen, maybe we should just turn it off and turn to Him.
Gracious Father, thank You for the memories and mentors of the past. Create in us a pure heart that lifts Your Name above all names. Help us to shape the future and turn back to seek more of You. AMEN.