Watermelon Prayers and Mango Dreams

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

Once upon a time, I had a pot-bellied pig, Tulip. She had a happy disposition and she could let me know her wants by snouting my legs. If she wanted gummy bears, (her favorites), she would squeal and then push her snout against my leg. If I wasn’t fast enough, she would kick up her back legs and snout me again—only harder. Devon O’Day has shared a wonderful life-lesson for all of us. He learned it from his pig!


Barney is a happy pig. He hangs with the chickens and keeps the chicken hawks away. He also lives for his food. Barney can hear a bucket even when he’s in a dead sleep and start squealing in delight. Of all the goodies he enjoys, mangoes and watermelon are by far his favorites. He literally smiles when he finds a big chunk in his trough and sits back on his rump, chomping loudly as the juice runs down his chin. His favorite hen, Rhoda, eats with him every night.

When Barney came to our rescue farm, he was running wild with a couple of other mini-pigs. The other mini-pigs settled in with the other animals quickly, but Barney didn’t have a great personality, so he was stuck all by himself. The only way to catch him or to get him in a good mood was to offer him mango or watermelon. And if a pig can pray, I know Barney does—because when we are out of his favorite fruit, someone inevitably runs a sale or donates some to the farm. Barney just sits and waits as if he knows, by faith, it will show up.

Do you have faith like that? Have you ever asked God for something just because you loved it, because it was your favorite? Or do you chastise yourself for thinking you’re being frivolous and so instead cheat yourself out of a blessing? God blesses us with our needs according to His supply. He has everything in His storehouse. And just imagine how it makes Him feel to bless you with something sweet and specific just because He loves you so much.

A prayer is never wasted on the God who loves you. A request is just a show of how much faith you have that He will absolutely supply your needs. Your prayers are a testimony of your faith, and trusting He will supply begins with trusting enough to ask.

My God Is So Big

Heavenly Father, I thank You for loving me enough to supply my needs and also for my favorite things. AMEN.

Mo Haner