Just Ask

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 (NLT)

This is the time of year when students (and parents) can easily become stressed. Remember taking those good old SATs? I have never been a good test taker—ever. I can correctly answer each question aloud but when you threw me into a setting with hundreds of others to determine our future, I did poorly every single time. Here is Pamela Toussaint Howard’s experience (Mornings with Jesus) and it certainly makes sense to me.


The life of a teenager preparing for high school graduation is all about taking exams and filling out applications—for college admissions, grants, scholarships, or jobs. One early morning, I drove AJ, my son, to take the SAT for the second time to see if he could improve his score. The air was thick in the car. Although I was outwardly calm, inside I was upset and fearful. He hadn’t prepared for this second try any more than he had for the first. And it was not because he didn’t have parental prodding!

As I pulled into the parking lot with a zillion other parents, I talked to Jesus silently: Now Lord, You know he didn’t study the way he should have. The half-hearted practice tests he did are just not enough. Immediately, I heard in my spirit: No but I am enough. And I have enough wisdom to take him where he needs to go. In an instant, Jesus broadened my perspective and brought calm to my frustrated heart.

Jesus sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), so He wasn’t anxious about the test. Not only would He give my son wisdom during the exam, but He also helped us understand that this was a tiny part of AJ’s journey toward his God-ordained destiny, no matter how he scored on his SAT.

FAITH STEP: When you experience a challenge or are not sure what to do, stop what you’re doing and ask Jesus for guidance, then wait to hear His answer.

Just a Little Talk with Jesus

Heavenly Father, You are a loving God and You never cease to amaze us with Your blessings. Teach us to ask for wisdom instead of worrying. We need more of You and less of us. AMEN.

Mo Haner