The Wedding

His mother said to the servants, Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:5

There is a young women in our congregation who is very busy getting ready for her wedding. There are so many details to work out-dresses, flowers, invitations, music, location, rings and vows, and the menu with lots of food for the celebration!

Many suggest that Jesus's earthly ministry was a period of about three years, so it surprises me that He had time to attend a wedding. Traditional Jewish wedding celebrations often lasted up to a week. The whole village would attend, and the party would be enjoyed by everyone. There was plenty of talking, dancing, and feasting—­unless the wine ran out.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, heard that this had happened, and she knew this could lead to dishonor and disgrace for the bridegroom. She also knew her son. At Mary’s request, Jesus responded with a miracle, turning water into the best wine. This sign, or miracle, points to God’s ­promise of the great cele­bration of Jesus with His bride, the church, in eternity (Let us be glad and rejoice,and let us give honor to Him.
For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His bride has prepared herself.
Revelation 19:7).

Jesus cared about the family and guests at the wedding in Cana and He provided the best. Jesus cares about us and has given His best, His life—so we can have new life in abundance with Him now and forever. Let’s celebrate!

Dear Jesus, thank You for being in the details of our lives and providing The best. May we celebrate with You always! Amen.

Inspired by a Today devotion

There Is Love

Bobbie Hoffman