Perfect Peace

Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)

Often, I have said that my greatest loss would be my eyesight. If I could not see God’s beauty, I would be one unhappy senior citizen. Being able to hear nature, smell the crispness of autumn or spring showers are all blessings. But to see new buds on my plants, new fawns with their trusting mothers, and goldfinches at the feeders makes my heart happy and full—even when the day is heavy with problems. Linda Bartlett (All God’s Creatures) and I share a common love.


Nature is my sanctuary go-to when the world crumbles. It’s where I go to meet God. So, on a day when countries were bombing each other into oblivion, when my great-grandson awaited surgery that would end or extend his life, when my cousin was again struggling to overcome addiction, I took a walk.

It was a particularly harsh spring day. The temperature was below normal, and the day was as gray as an old, overused dishcloth. I didn’t want to take a walk, but I needed to. I needed to know God was still there.

I strolled down the dirt road with my dog, Lucy, to the place where cattails were numerous and trees provided some shelter from the wind. Chickadees chittered above while red-winged blackbirds sang to each other on the reeds. A pair of geese swam close by, seemingly unbothered by the raw cold.

I hoped to see a beaver or a muskrat emerge from its winter quarters, but it must have been too cold yet. I did, however, see a familiar van come down the path. It was Diane, who had been on a nine-month trip and was home. She stopped and we hugged. What a blessed moment.

I walked home with more pep in my step. After seeing all the two-footed friends (birds and human), I felt reassured that God was still in His place, watching over all of us. Back home I settled myself in my lounge chair and continued to see nature send messages of peace to me. A cardinal and a chickadee shared the bird feeder while a squirrel picked at seeds below.

While the world as a whole had not improved in the last half hour, I felt perfect peace knowing God is still in control.

Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.   —Maya Angelou

Nature Shines with Beauty

Heavenly Lord, thank You for nature. Here we see all Your awesome creation. Help us be more grateful and protective of this amazing gift You’ve given to us. AMEN.

Photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner