Prayer to Holy Spirit

Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.” John 14:16

Heavenly Father, You are holy, and we offer You our praise and love. We thank You for all you do in our lives to accept us as family. Our response, feeble though it may be at times, is to do our part in spreading Your holy kingdom.

Jesus, thank you for what you did to rescue us from ourselves and destruction. You gave your life for us. Love and compassion like that is beyond our comprehension. We can only attempt to respond by sharing that love and concern with others in our world.

Holy Spirit, we offer a special thank You for all you are doing in our lives. When Jesus ascended to His glory, He said that He was sending an advocate, a supporter who would be a comfort and a guide. You may be our greatest need as we journey through this life, anticipating the life to come.

We may not recognize how pervasive Your presence is, or maybe I should say could be, in our lives but please accept our heartfelt thank You for being available.

When it’s comfort we need, somehow You supply it in many different ways, and then gently nudging us toward others who need comfort.

When it’s knowledge we seek, somehow You make available the truth we need wrapped in the wisdom to use it to the glory of God.

When it’s love we want to share, somehow You present someone who desperately needs it.

When it’s guidance we want, somehow You make possibilities appear.

You are part of the triune relationship we fervently want to join. Despite our latest setback or lack of awareness of our path to our home being prepared, thank You for pointing the way.

We bless You. We honor You. We love You.


Holy Spirit

Lew Motter