Wonderful Creation!

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! Genesis 1:31

In the early 300s, Pachomius founded a monastery system that grew to include many thousands of monks. He observed that “the place in the monastery that is closest to God is not the church, but the garden. There the monks are the happiest.”

In the 1400s Thomas à Kempis wrote, “If your heart were right, then every created thing would be a mirror of life, and a book of sacred doctrine. There is no creature so small and worthless that it does not show forth the goodness of God.”

In the 1500s John Calvin urged believers to heed “a universal rule and not to pass over with ungrateful inattention or oblivion, those glorious perfections which God manifests in His creatures.”

In the 1800s Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevski wrote, “Love all God’s creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it; love every leaf, every ray of God’s light… If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things.”

When a farmer delights in a freshly mowed field, when a pilot glories in the sky’s expansive view, when a chef grows giddy tasting crème brûlée, it can be a prayer celebrating God’s very good creation.

God sustains lions and goats and wild donkeys and birds. How much more does He care for us!

Our God and King, we lift up our voices and sing praise to You for Your wonderful works in creation, and we are awed that You care for us too! In Jesus, Amen.

Inspired by a Today Devotion

Our God is an Awesome God

Bobbie Hoffman