Birdsong at Dawn
Let everything that breaths sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD! Psalm 150:6 (NLT)
From my writing desk, I search the sky for the first signs of dawn. The curtain of darkness is pulled back and the morning comes alive. The first ones to show up are the birds. While I can’t hear them, I see them bobbing on the empty branches wondering ‘where is our food?’. Until the food arrives, they sing! Darlene Kerr (All God’s Creatures) shares her fondness for the birds and their songs of joy.
I’ve started something new this spring. I sleep with the bedroom window cracked open at night.
An unexpected delight to this new routine is waking to birdsong. Right before dawn’s first light, the tweeting, whistling, and chirping begins. The concert lasts for approximately twenty minutes. Individual birdsongs often become indistinguishable as voices overlap and merge into one unique morning melody,
I lie in bed listening as daylight slowly lightens our room. It seems as if birds are taking the lead in the wee morning hours to praise their Creator. I can’t help but forget my initial grogginess and join the chorus, not tweeting, but thanking God for the beauty of the world He has given to me, the birds, and all creation.
I don’t know how long an early morning awakening will last for me—I’ve been known to say early mornings are overrated (being more of the night owl’s persuasion). Perhaps it’s just for a season that I’ll enjoy this daily delight. Then when the air conditioner ramps up in response to hot, muggy nights and the windows are closed tight, the predawn performances will end for me. I’m saddened at the thought. Yet’ I’m reassured that the birds will continue with or without my listening ears.
For now, I enjoy the avian symphony. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 98:4 (NIV): “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music,” and I eagerly join in and rejoice as creation sings. Praise is on my lips. I thank Him for a new day of life. I pause to count my blessings. There’s so much to sing about! It’s a beautiful beginning to the day.
WALK OF FAITH: Catch a predawn praise session of your own. Set your alarm for daybreak or crack open your window before you go to bed so you can hear the dawn chorus. As you listen to the birds, sing your own praises to God and rejoice.
Heavenly Father, let me never tire of praising You. Let me join in the symphony as all of nature sings of Your greatness. AMEN.