The Shadow Knows

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Growing into your dreams is a hard row to hoe!

Many of us have tried trudging down our own path—you know, the one that was supposed to lead us directly to success, love, and no worries. Along our weedy path were speed bumps that often wrecked us and set us back. We were not honest with others and pretended to be moving up the ladder when in fact our lives were falling apart and full of thorns and prickers. Been there; done that!

All of us may have big dreams, but they are not always His plans for us. Oh, how we try to avoid the issue and be what we want to be and do what we want to do. In the midst of our messes, we wish we had done it His way but that does not stop us from continuing on the wrong path. I often tell my new grandson, “When it hurts enough, you’ll change.” That is wisdom speaking from years of floundering and ouchies!

Let’s think of this another way. The shadow of the butterfly is still a shadow, and it will grow bigger along with the insect. That butterfly will never be an owl, raccoon, or snake. It was created to be a butterfly. As hard as it may try to become something else other than an Eastern Comma, it will never happen.

What were you created to be?

Me? Well, His plan for me was to work with children. There is no doubt about my purpose on this earth. My passion is writing and sharing Jesus’s love with others. Believe me when I say that I have tried many other careers, but they have failed me.

Sometimes God gives us just a shadowy glimpse of what we could be, but it’s done to entice us to keep moving forward. As we age (with Him), our vision becomes clearer. If we are on the right road, we can grow into our dreams because He has a plan to give us a future and a hope.

Future and Hope

Loving Father, thank You for loving us even when we are bullheaded and unlovable. Teach us a better way to continue our journey to eternal life. Let us find our purpose in You. AMEN. 

Photo: Mo Johnston 6/22/24

Mo Haner