All Creation Sings

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6

Praise the Lord! What was He thinking during creation? We do know this: He had/has a plan. He prioritized with essentials and then brought forth everything else. No one comprehends the mind of God, but He made it quite clear that “all living things [must] praise the Lord!” It was not just a willy-nilly suggestion, but rather a command.

That includes animals, birds, fish of the sea, and most definitely us. Each chirp of the birds, each croak of the frogs, each bleat of the sheep, each neigh of the horses and each word from our mouths are praise. Right? Well, I can only speak for myself, and I must confess that many words that I’ve spoken cannot be categorized as praise.

We tend to get immersed into the worldly things and praising God is not even on our radar—until we need a favor, are faced with difficult decisions, or our hearts are hurting. The voices of our daily lives shout with loud commands. “Do this! You forgot that! Go here! You’re late!” And don’t act like this is new info because we all do it.

When do we praise the Lord? Is it intentional time we meet Him every day and linger in His Presence? Or do we just wedge it in while racing from one event to the next. I’ve come to believe that the older we get, the more deliberate we are with our meetings and those moments feel more intense.

Even in the midst of storms, our times can be abundantly filled with songs of grateful praise. It is in life’s tornados and hurricanes that we learn life-long survival skills. Honestly, who can immerse themselves in worship during those moments?

While we are crying out to God to save us, we are not thinking about worship. He brings us through, and our trust level increases and then we praise Him. It does not feel natural to worship when our world is falling apart. But friends, that is what we are called to do; to sing praises unto our Savior. This takes purposeful focus, and it starts with a desire to try.

Praise the Lord! No matter what…belt it out at the top of your lungs!  

Bless the Lord

Heavenly Father, thank You for creation and for Your Holy Word that tells us how to handle life. Help us to worship You in all situations for You are worthy of our praise. AMEN.

Mo Haner