Sing Loudly!

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Psalm 98:4-6

Have you ever been caught belting out a praise song at the top of your lungs while thinking no one could hear you? It can be most embarrassing—especially if you tend to be a little tone deaf. However, feeling awkward about sharing Jesus isn’t something to shrink away from. Keep on going! Susanna Foth Aughtmon (Mornings with Jesus) tells us about her Starbucks adventure.


I love listening to music and singing along. Loudly. This morning, after dropping off my fifteen-year-old son, Addison, at his summer job, I cranked up “God Will Work It Out” in the car. I launched into a full-voice vehicular praise-and-worship session on my way to get coffee. I wait to sing until after the drop-off; otherwise, Addison gives me his you-need-to-calm-down look. Anything that draws attention is off-limits, as far as he is concerned.

I turned down the volume to order in the Starbucks drive-thru, but I turned it back up as I moved forward in line to pick up my coffee. Because it was the good part of the song, I thumped my hand on the steering wheel and sang along—until I realized that the barista was hold my cup of coffee out the pickup window and staring at me. Addie would have died. I smiled, paid, grabbed my coffee and drove away.

Jesus deserves all the loud singing I can give Him. He works on my behalf every day with His grace, His love, and His forgiveness (Hebrews 7:25). Singing about Him and His goodness is one way I can honor Him. I’m thinking of keeping a tambourine in my glove box, but don’t tell Addie!

FAITH STEP: Crank up your favorite worship song and spend time praising Jesus. Praise Him for working things out on your behalf every day of your life.

Shout To The Lord

Mo Haner