The One Who Knows Us

"You have searched me, LORD, and you know me." Psalm 139:1

In the vastness of the cosmos, amid the swirling galaxies and endless expanse, there is a profound truth that resonates deeply within each of us: we are known by God. This knowledge is not superficial or fleeting; it is intimate, deliberate, and eternal.

David, the psalmist, penned these words from a place of awe and reverence, acknowledging the all-encompassing presence of God in his life. He recognized that God's knowledge of him is thorough and complete. There is nothing hidden from the One who formed him, who knit him together in his mother's womb (Psalm 139:13).

What does it mean to be known by God in such a profound way?

Firstly, it means that we are never alone. God's searching gaze encompasses every aspect of our existence—our thoughts, our desires, our fears, and our joys. In moments of solitude and silence, when we feel unseen by the world, God sees us. He knows the depths of our hearts and understands us more than we understand ourselves.

Secondly, being known by God brings a deep sense of security and identity. In a world where identities are often shaped by external validation or societal expectations, God's knowledge of us is foundational. His love for us is not based on our achievements or failures but on who He is.

Thirdly, God's knowledge of us invites us into a relationship of trust and vulnerability. When we acknowledge that God knows us intimately, we can approach Him with honesty and openness. We can bring our deepest struggles and our greatest joys before Him, knowing that He cares for us deeply and desires to walk with us through every season of life.

Lastly, being known by God calls us to a life of authenticity and humility. We are invited to live in alignment with the truth that God sees and knows everything about us. This challenges us to let go of pretense and to appreciate our life, that God lovingly created and continues to shape.

Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing us intimately and loving us deeply. Help us to rest in the assurance that Your presence surrounds us and Your understanding of us is perfect. May we live each day in the light of Your knowledge, seeking to honor You in all that we do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

You Say

Bobbie Hoffman