Did I Pass?

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. James 1:3 (ESV)

ME: What a week! From the valley to the mountain top, it was a rollercoaster, white-knuckle ride. Thank You for riding with me.

JESUS: You are most welcome. So, My precious child, what did you learn?

ME: Which situation are You talking about?

JESUS: (Chuckle) In general.

ME: When my lab work came back with stage 4 kidney disease, I froze. I was angry, afraid, sad, full of questions but didn’t want to talk to anyone. All this was going on while Michael was having lots of medical issues and testing. I was totally overwhelmed but I never stopped talking to You. I prayed for Michael and myself.

JESUS: Yes, I know, we were very close this week.

ME: I prayed and prayed that You would help me make sense of all this. I kept asking: Why didn’t any doctor catch levels 1-3. How did I get to 4? But I told You over and over that I would still praise You no matter what the outcome.

JESUS: Yes, you did! And I heard you.

ME: When the first positive results came back for Michael. I felt like doing the mummer’s strut. One issue is at rest, and several more to conquer, but one was a good beginning. I cheered for him. But I kept silent about my own lab results.

JESUS: Yes, I know.

ME: Before I went back to my doctor the next morning, I decided to just check the lab results again so that I could ask some intelligent questions. Remember how the next care step said it was time to start looking for a kidney donor? I was supposed to be very sick, but I was puzzled because I didn’t even feel sick.

JESUS: Of course I remember.

ME: But Jesus, the lab results that I read (with my own eyes) said everything was well within normal range. I looked and looked and there was nothing that said stage 4 kidney disease. I went to the doctor hoping to for a miracle.

JESUS: And I was with you.

ME: When she reviewed my results with me, she said: “Well, Maureen, you are very healthy for a 71-year-old woman.” Jesus, they must have given me someone else’s report. Wow! What a relief. I sang your praises all the way home!

JESUS: Yes, I know.

ME: Then it dawned on me; someone else must have gotten mine and read it. They were probably hopeful and thought they had been cured. Compassion took over and I prayed for them. “Jesus, will You please heal them?”, I’m still praying

JESUS: Again, I heard your prayers. So, what did you learn.

ME: I need You 24/7/365 and no matter what, I will praise You!

JESUS: You passed!

I Need Thee Every Hour

Mo Haner