His Healing Hand

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. Matthew 10:29 (NIV)

We have two hummingbird feeders on the porch. It sounds like a busy airport with all the movement from one to another. They don’t seem bothered by our presence on a peaceful, cool evening as we talk about the day. They come and go, hover, squeak, and dip their thin little beaks into the feeders. They’re very enjoyable! Ellen Fannon (All God’s Creatures) shares a story about this delicate little bird.


I came back from lunch one day to find a small cardboard box sitting in the treatment area of the veterinary clinic where I work. We have a number of “good Samaritans” who bring in sick or injured wildlife and a closed cardboard box is a good indication that the creature inside is not a house pet. Upon opening the top, I found a tiny hummingbird huddled in the corner of the box, with one of its wings drooping pathetically. I gently lifted the fragile bird and examined the abnormal wing. As I suspected, the wing was broken. Fortunately, however, it was a closed fracture, meaning the bones had not poked through the skin.

Now what could I do? Although I treat a lot of birds in my vet practice, this hummingbird was a first. There was no way I could devise a tiny splint or even wrap the injured wing to the patient’s body. I knew I could use some help in healing this hummer, so I sent up a quick prayer. I decided to provide supportive care and let God take care of the rest. I took the bird home and kept it confined for three weeks while I syringe-fed it nectar several times a day. I never tired of watching the little creature’s excitement as it poked its long, thin tongue through the end of the syringe to lap up the nectar. After three weeks the bones healed, and after ascertaining the bird could fly, I released it back into the wild.

Once again, I am amazed at the intricate detail with which God designs and cares for a multitude of creatures. Not only did He create such a beautiful and unique animal as the hummingbird, but He also provided perfect healing to this seemingly insignificant little creature. Scripture tells us that if He cares this much for the birds of the air, how much more does He care for us. What a comforting thought that we have a heavenly Father who knows and cares about the tiniest details of our lives.

God Is with Us

Gracious Father, thank You for watching over us. Please let Your love and care continue to amaze us every moment of every day! AMEN.

Mo Haner