Twinkling Memories

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Do you remember the evenings of long ago, trying to catch fireflies (or lightning bugs)? I sure do! It was almost magical. I used to think God made them just for children. However, I’ve learned that they have important jobs to do. They eat pollen and nectar which helps the plants. Fireflies and their larvae also eat intrusive garden pests such as snails, slugs, cutworms, and aphids that can damage plants. Lucy Chambers (All God’s Creatures) shares a wonderful childhood memory.


Growing up, I spent part of every summer in the Smoky Mountains. Blue-green ridges rolled in every direction, the cool air smelled like magnolias and peaches, and every night the garden lit up with thousands of twinkling fireflies that spangled the darkness with a beauty so magical I couldn’t believe they were real. My grandmother showed me how to cup them gently in my hands and watch their light shine through my fingers.

Back in the Smokies with my family this summer, I pulled a shawl around my shoulders and sat on the porch looking out at the sunset. The mountains were undisturbed by time. I thought of happy times shared with my parents and grandparents and stories of their experiences in this same place before I was born.

Then I remembered the fireflies. Where were they? The garden should have been filled with their twinkling, but I saw nothing. Deflated, I went inside. My daughter suggested there were too many houses now for fireflies. My husband said perhaps my memory was exaggerated. I thought back. Sometimes my grandmother and I had to look hard to find them. One place we could count on was under the big hemlock tree.

I went back out and crossed the yard to a large tree whose limbs swooped gracefully to the ground. I pushed into the little space inside the branches. There were the fireflies, lighting up the shadows, as incredible as ever.

I fell asleep that night with the cool mountain air coming through the screens and my mind filled with beautiful memories of silent firefly fireworks shows. I thought how often the world tries to downplay God’s presence in our lives. But just like those fireflies, God is always present—I sometimes just need to look in the right places to see Him light up the darkness as He has done for generations before me.

God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.

—J. M. Barrie

Millions of Memories

Loving Lord, we thank You for our memories of Your goodness. Please help us hold You near and dear as we step into this day. AMEN.

Mo Haner