
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25 (ESV)

Storks do not deliver babies to anyone’s doorstep! But I guess you all had figured that out. They are quite uniquely strong. They’re white, gray, black, or red, and some species have bright red legs. With height of 2-5 feet and wingspan of up to 7 feet, they are impressive and very social. Tez Brooks (All God’s Creatures) shares a story about firm foundations.


A recent trip to Spain provided an opportunity to explore the countryside, where I noted that the chimney on some of the houses sported giant nest. While storks sit atop the nests, feeding their young, I watched them for a few minutes, observing the care they took in tending their babies.

One particular bird flew down to a field, grabbed a mouse, and brought it back to her fledgling. She perched on the rim of the nest. As heavy as she was, her homemade structure never budged or tipped. It was supported well.

I later learned storks build nests that can weigh up to half a ton. Tree branches can break under their weight and are too risky for rearing their young. So, to avoid a collapse, they look for sturdy foundations like electrical poles or brick chimneys. Homeowners are careful not to use their fireplaces until the hatchlings have abandoned the habitat.

It’s important to choose a firm foundation spiritually, as well. In the seventh chapter of Matthew, Jesus shares a parable of the wise man and the foolish man who each built their dwellings on very different foundations. The passage explains the value of wisely positioning my heart, mind, values, beliefs—my entire world—on Christ. He is my only reliable foundation. When I place my trust in people, plans, or pursuits, I’m like the foolish man substituting sand for bricks and asking for disaster.

Just like those stork parents, I, too, want to choose a sturdy, unshakable footing for my life by following the Lord’s precepts. Only then can I rest, knowing whatever comes, winds of change or storms of life, I am securely grounded in Him.

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

Sovereign Lord, thank You for the lessons learned from nature. Please remind us to keep our foundation sturdy by spending time with You. AMEN.

Mo Haner