Beware the Thieves

Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord…. It is a safeguard for you. Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers. Philippians 3:1-2

They are loud, intrusive, and beautiful all at the same time. A gang of young jays can turn quiet bush feeders into a raucous, screaming, fearful scene within seconds. All other critters (squirrels, chickens, and chipmunks) run for their lives. They take things that don’t belong to them (wash cloths, watches, and food) and they are forever gone. But they are still distinctly magnificent in color. Shirley Raye Redmond (All God’s Creatures) tells her story.


My husband placed our picnic hamper on the wooden table, and I anticipated a leisurely lunch in the mountains beside a gurgling stream. It was a perfect summer day in New Mexico with deep blue skies, sun-dappled trees, and a cool breeze. As we began to unpack our sandwiches and chips, a scrub jay flew boldly into our secluded nook. It was soon followed by a second jay and then a third. Jokingly, Bill declared, “Bandits, twelve o’clock high.”

The jays squawked noisily as though demanding a snack. The birds didn’t seem afraid of us at all, and I suspected they intended to steal our food the first chance they got. I was right. As I leaned forward to retrieve a can of soda from the hamper—whoosh—a fourth jay swooped down from a nearby tree and flew off with half my ham sandwich.

“You little thief!” I exclaimed.

When one of the jays boldly fluttered up onto the far end of the table, we realized that we wouldn’t be able to eat in peace. We reluctantly packed up and retreated to our vehicle. Frankly, I felt robbed. I didn’t resent losing half a sandwich, but the birds had also stolen the joy of our planned picnic.

I sometimes let people rob me of anticipated joys too. There’s a name for a person like that: killjoy. Paul’s letter to the Philippians cautions believers about allowing others to steal our joy in the Lord. I know, too, that Satan is always looking for opportunities to upset my peace of mind, to fill my heart with doubt and despair. I stay alert. I’m watchful. If they have a chance, the killjoys will steal so much more than my sandwich.

Joy is strength.  —Mother Teresa

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength

Loving Lord, thank You for joy! We need Your real joy and recognize it as strength. Teach us to look to You and not the world to find that gift. AMEN.

Mo Haner