Guarding My Boundaries

It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. Psalm 74:17 (NIV)

I’m sorry, but this looks too much like a bumblebee to me and I have a big-time phobia. Back on the farm, I saw one-or-the-other kind land on my grandpa’s nose and sting him. He cried real tears and his nose swelled up to match Jimmy Durante’s. But in doing a little research, I discovered that some of my fears are unfounded. It’s all about boundaries. Tracy Crump (All God’s Creatures) does a great job explaining.


Summertime means restful evening walks. Once the sun dips toward the horizon, my husband, Stan, and I follow the lakeside road that winds through our neighborhood, deep in conversation about our day. Until we reach a certain stretch of woods, that is. Then Stan grows quiet, and I can feel him tense. He takes off his hat as he scans the trees, on the lookout for his adversary.

It doesn’t take long. A large bumblebee look-alike zooms over and hovers in front of Stan’s nose, keeping pace with us no matter how fast we walk. Swatting at it with his hat does no good, though Stan can’t help but try. It often zips around and taps him on the back of the leg, which results in my husband executing perfect ballet twirls. While the bee has never stung him, Stan finds the whole experience unnerving.

Research leads me to believe our challenger is a carpenter bee. The male protects his nest from all intruders, which apparently include innocent walkers. The good news is that male carpenter bees don’t have stingers.

This territorial insect caused me to wonder how well I protect my boundaries. So many things—and people—can encroach on my time with God. I sit down to read my Bible, and a text comes through or the dryer buzzes or I remember I need to take food out of the freezer for dinner. Sometimes the day passes, and I don’t get back to that precious time with the Lord.

Short of getting in people’s faces, I plan to institute tactics to defend my worship that include turning off the phone, closing my door, and tuning out distractions. I just hope I can do as good a job guarding boundaries as that carpenter bee.

Try prioritizing God in your life by putting Him into your schedule and working everything else around Him. —Joyce Meyer

Boundary Lines

Protector Jesus, thank You for keeping us safe from danger. Teach us to guard our time with You and to protect us from intruders. AMEN.

Mo Haner