Yes, He Will!

The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:37 (NIV)

I spend way too much time thinking about the future of other people. There are many sleepless nights that are the result of hashing and rehashing all the “what-ifs.” I pray and then pray again as if He is hard of hearing or not able to understand me. Why is it so difficult to put others in His hands and back off? Grace Fox (Mornings with Jesus) learned some lessons and now shares them.


While in Beirut, I met a young man named “A.” Born and raised in Syria as a Muslim, A was tortured by ISIS for refusing to withdraw from his studies in social justice. One day, while in prison, he cried, “God, rescue me if You’re real.” A bomb destroyed the prison and soon afterward, A escaped to Lebanon. That’s where he learned about Jesus.

After training to become a career missionary, A founded a school for Syrian children. He trusted the Lord to provide a facility, food for hot lunches, and educational supplies. North American donors contributed to the cause, a team of six national coworkers joined the work, and the ministry grew to include Bible studies for the student’s parents. However, A lived in constant danger because he could neither return safely to Syria nor gain Lebanese citizenship.

Canada recently grated A refugee status. My husband and I will soon welcome him and help him settle. Quite honestly, I feel anxious about finding suitable and affordable housing. I fear the negative effect of North American influence. I worry about his finding work and a wife, whether his school will flourish without his presence, and what ministry he’ll find to do here.

When fear for A’s future hits me, I remember his past. Jesus has delivered him from dangers and difficulties too many to count. My fear subsides when I choose to trust that He’ll be faithful to A in the future.


Is there someone in your life that consumes your thoughts? Write their name on a piece of paper along with your prayer and mail it to Jesus. That’s right! Put it in the mail and let go of it.

Let Go, Let God

Loving Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers. Teach us to bring our concerns to You and to leave them in Your trustworthy care. AMEN.

Mo Haner