Weeding, Pruning and Harvesting

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2 (NIV)

I am becoming my grandmother! That is not a bad thing but rather an exciting adventure. She was gifted with a green thumb in the garden. Her flowers and vegetables were the talk of the town back in the day. Emily was up before the sun—pulling those weeds. There were mornings when her hymn singing awakened me from my teenage coma. I’d ask myself, Why can’t she just do her gardening quietly?

Recalling these memories brings a mixture of emotions. I would lay in my bed and listen to her while she sang all the verses from memory—and from her heart. Back then, I truly looked forward to rainy days.

This godly woman taught me about weeding, pruning, and harvesting. It’s important to keep the weeds at bay so healthy plants won’t get choked. Pruning (at the right time) cuts away sick branches and allows fuller growth. Harvesting provides fruits and vegetables for those cold, dark nights when the wind is whipping the snow into shoulder-high drifts.

Our spiritual lives also need weeding. When we have become too worldly, Jesus points out our sins. I’ve found that early in the morning is the best time to do weeding. The garden is usually quiet, and He is already there waiting. The ground is a little moist and the roots of sin come out much easier under His watchful care. Procrastinating too long after the sun has baked the soil makes it a tough row to hoe.

If there isn’t any fruit, why keep it? Pruning is a bit more invasive than weeding. She taught me all about this process as she examined each branch of the apple trees in our orchard. I loved her lessons! She must have known that He would have to do some serious pruning in my life because I was a curious, fearless child. Grandma was correct. Cutting away habits can be painful, but today I recognize it as an act of His love for me.

Harvest is a joyful time when the work has paid off! Today, I tenderly moved vines, peered into tall green plants looking for red, and parted healthy leaves for treasures. I brought in eight ripe-red cherry tomatoes, three peppers, and nine little cucumbers.

Weeding and pruning are not fun but they’re essential to our spiritual growth. They are back breaking and painful, but the harvest is pure celebration!

I’ve even found myself singing some of her favorite hymns of praise!

My Redeemer Is Faithful and True

Heavenly Father, thank You for both of my gardens. Teach me to take care of them as You lead me toward a bountiful harvest. AMEN.

Mo Haner