It’s Too Soon!

And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Colossians 3:10 (ESV)

ME: Jesus, it’s only August. Why are the leaves changing already.

JESUS: Why is that important to you?

ME: Well, doesn’t that mean that summer is almost over? I’m not ready for that! I don’t think we have even had summer yet. Did I miss it?

JESUS: You were quite busy all summer long. You missed many of the warm, sunny days that I provided.

ME: But usually there are long spells of hot weather.

JESUS: You told Me repeatedly: “I don’t like to be hot and sweaty!”

ME: Okay, yes, I did! Well, here’s another one: How do You know when to start fall?

JESUS: Such a strange question! We created the entire universe, and you want to talk about an early autumn this year. I know there are many higher priority issues vying for your attention.

ME: I don’t mean to be superficial, but I am curious.

JESUS: Perhaps it’s time for nature to rest and refresh. Does that satisfy your curiosity?

ME: Sort of, but that means the days get shorter, the deer lose their beautiful rust-colored hair, there’s a different scent in the air…and it’s still just August.

JESUS: (Laughing) My precious child, you have read My Words (Proverbs 18:15): “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” I would expect nothing less of you than asking questions.

ME: Jesus, I’m sorry that my thoughts are so weird. I think about lots of stuff like that.

JESUS: At least you are thinking of Me. There are many who only come to me with serious problems, trials, and horrific issues. That is the only time I hear from them. You frequently see things that others miss.

ME: Thank You. I don’t want to take anything for granted. You are so good to me.

JESUS: While seasons change, you change as well. You are growing stronger, wiser, and you are constantly being transformed.

ME: Funny, I don’t feel those changes, but I trust You.

JESUS: You are becoming more and more like Me.

ME: Wait, You must be thinking about someone else! I’ll never be like You.

JESUS: Oh child, you are very wrong! The seasons of life have brought you closer and closer to Me. I have walked with you every step of the way. You are in the autumn of your life. Enjoy the beauty!

ME: Hmmmm…Can You give me a hint about the first frost?

JESUS: Enjoy what you have right now!

Every Season

Photo: Mo Johnston 7/31/24

Mo Haner