Be a Saltshaker

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6 (NIV)

Currently, kind words are heard less frequently than ever before. Perhaps people are afraid of the come backs or maybe less people feel like getting involved. Neither is a good excuse for us not to be kind. I often wear a t-shirt that says, ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind!’  Believe it or not, I get some positive feedback. Barbara Lumpkins Walls (Mornings with Jesus) shares her salty experience.


I saw a post on social media from a woman who said she offered a cart to another shopper in a grocery store parking lot. The shopper kept walking, so the woman thought the person didn’t hear her. The woman spoke a little louder and repeated herself. The person stopped and hurled some profanities at the woman, who was so shocked that she didn’t say another word.

Replies to the post told me a lot about the respondents. Some said they would have had a few choice words for the shopper. Others wondered why the woman couldn’t have just been civil. Still others said they would have just let it go because that’s the way people are today. Only a few said they would have prayed for the unkind shopper.

I thought about how I would have reacted. Would I have been offended and said something mean-spirited under my breath—or worse, out loud? Would I have allowed the incident to ruin my day? Or would I have been Christlike and silently prayed for the shopper? To be honest, I’ve had all those reactions when I’ve been in similar situations.

Jesus says we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). He wants me and my words to be an example of love, kindness, goodwill, compassion, and grace. If I’m sprinkling those things, then I’m doing my job as a saltshaker.

FAITH STEP: When you encounter unpleasant or ungrateful people, sprinkle them with grace as Jesus would.

Salt of the Earth

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the Salt of the earth. Please help us to become more like You in every way. Show us how to love the unlovable and offer grace. AMEN.

Mo Haner