Pray About Everything

But pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. Philippians 4:6 (NCV)

When the world is in turmoil, people are starving to death, bodies are racked with pain, and loved ones are lost to accidents, I find it very difficult to bother Him by mumbling, “Please help me find my cell phone.” Yet, He wants us to include Him in our daily lives. Jeannie Blackmer (Mornings with Jesus) shares a miracle that emphasizes His interest even in the small stuff.


My friend Judy and I were walking on a trail when a young man pushing his bike walked toward us. “The worst thing ever just happened,” he said. “A part fell off my bike and now I can’t ride it.” He showed us where the missing piece used to be. As a bike rider, I knew exactly what it looked like. I told him we’d look for it and if we found it, we’d get it to him. His shoulders slumped, and I sensed his hopelessness as we walked off in opposite directions.

Judy and I thought it impossible to find the tiny part on the trail with knee-high grass along both sides. But Jesus encourages believers to pray about everything, including lost things. He told three parables about loss. A lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son (Luke 15). Judy and I prayed that God would show us the lost bike part.

After walking a bit, I looked to my left and spotted it on the ground. “I can’t believe it,” Judy said. “It’s a miracle!” A young woman was jogging toward us. We stopped her, handed her the bike part, and gave her the mission to deliver the piece to the man pushing his bike on the trail ahead. She sprinted off. We imagined his joy when she caught up to him.

Like this young man, I, too, feel hopeless at times. Thankfully the Finder of lost things—and souls—walks with me, reminding me that hope is only a prayer away.

FAITH STEP: Are you feeling hopeless today? Turn your discouragement into hope-filled prayer and ask Jesus to help you find joy.


Loving Father, thank You for always being available. Please help us come to You with every question, concern, and idea—before we dive into things. AMEN!

Mo Haner