It’s Monday!

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (ESV)

Hi-ho! Off to work we go because… You can fill in the blank. Have you already started making your to-do list of things you want to accomplish by Friday? Is there something filled in each hour of the day? Do you have blocks of time set aside for a task you’re not crazy about? Don’t think for one second that you’re alone on this island.

In remote villages around the world, there are no to-do lists. Monday looks like Wednesday which was like Tuesday. Saturday might be different if there is a market day—maybe. Their only stressors are weather, wood, and food. Their lives are difficult, and each day brings its own agenda. Could we survive like this?

Get comfortable, sit back, and close your eyes. Take everything off your agenda—except Jesus. Relax and imagine your day! In total trust and reliance, ask Him what to do next. Don’t ask about tomorrow or rehash yesterday. It’s all about doing the next right thing!

Our days should be filled with conversations with Jesus. Kind of like this:

ME: So, Jesus, what’s next?

JESUS: I have placed concerns on your heart, and I know you feel them. Stop with all this written agenda stuff. Take time to be with Me and listen closely to My words. I will not only show you the way, but I will go with you.

ME: But…what about my things that I have to do?

JESUS: Who says you must complete them today? You’re driven by an unhealthy force that does not come from Me. My agenda for Monday is to be fair, kind, and humble as you reach out to the lost, sick, angry, miserable souls who need Me. Tell them about My love and what I’ve done for you. Tuesday is the same as is every day except Sunday. Then, My precious child, all of My family comes together to worship Me and find fresh fuel to face Monday again.

ME: That is nothing like my plans for Monday.

JESUS: Yes, I know, but this is what I require of you. Choose wisely!

The Jesus Way

Mo Haner