Accepted Forever

Give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

It takes a long time for me to fully let you in! So many times, I’ve told people: “If you had met me thirty years ago, you would not have liked me at all!” Yes, I have led a colorful life and done things I am not proud of. But today, I know my Redeemer lives. Sarah Young (Jesus Listens) has a prayer for all of us.


Loving Jesus,

I rejoice that You understand me completely and love me with perfect, unending Love! I’ve struggled with the fear that anyone who comes to know me fully might look down on me and judge me. So, my natural tendency is to keep others at a safe distance, disclosing only the parts of myself that I think are acceptable. This way of interacting with others feels safer, but it leads to loneliness.

I’m grateful that You see straight through my defenses and pretenses. There is no hiding from You! You know absolutely everything about me. Please help me to rest in the wonder of being fully known—yet delighted in!

Instead of striving to earn Your Love, I can relax in the truth that nothing could ever stop You from loving me. Because I am Yours—bought with Your precious blood—I am accepted forever. I need to keep telling myself this truth over and over, until it seeps into my inner being and changes the way I view myself. You’ve been showing me that living in awareness of Your acceptance is the path to self-forgetfulness, which is the highway to Joy.

In Your jubilant Name,


1 Corinthians 13:12   Psalm 149:4-5    Ephesians 1:5-6 NKJV

My Redeemer Lives

Mo Haner