Labor Day

And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17

Labor Day is observed with picnics and public assemblies, ball games, hikes and perhaps a “last” trip to the lake or seashore. College and professional football seasons get underway. Above all, however, Labor Day is a day to remember the One who made us and who holds us in the palm of His hand. It is a day to pray for just and honest work by those who have jobs, employment for those in need of a job, and rest for all who are weary. Pray too, for law enforcement personnel, medical professionals, and anyone else who must work on this holiday.

Let us pray:

O God, creator of the world,
of sun and moon and stars,
You chose to fashion us as Your own, Your handiwork of love.
Indeed, we are Your hands’ own work, and yet into our hands
you give the care of every living thing.

In more ways than we can count, our work builds up—
or tears apart what came as gift from You.

Keep us faithful in preserving all You’ve given
lest we harm the smallest part of all You’ve made.

Give us good and honest work to do and rest at each day’s end.
Let a just and fair day’s wage be paid for a good day’s work well done.

Give us work that nurtures and sustains the ones who serve and those they serve. Let those who labor, work in peace, in freedom, without fear.

Give those in need a job to do, and to the tired, well-earned rest. Let all our toil and labor, Lord, give glory to Your name. Amen.

Establish the Work of Our Hands

Bobbie Hoffman