Strengthen Yourself

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; …But David found strength in the Lord his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 (NKJV)

I like old David; he was quite the king! Even being a king did not stop him from being scared. We all need some help when it comes to trusting God and not feeling afraid. Most of us feel afraid first and then after trying earthly avenues, we turn to Him and yell for help. What would happen if we approached Him first? Sarah Young (Jesus Listens) has a powerful prayer for us. The question is this: Do we have the courage to utter these words?


Awesome God,

Help me to trust You and not be afraid. Sometimes I am frightened by world events and news reports. But I realize that these reports are biased—presented as if You do not exist. News clips show tiny bits of current events from which the most important factor has been carefully removed: You Presence in the world! As journalists sift through massive amounts of information, they tend to strain out everything about You and what You’re accomplishing on this planet.

Whenever my word is feeling like a scary place, I need to turn to You and find encouragement in Your Presence. I’m inspired by the example of David, who strengthened himself in the Lord when his men were threatening to stone him. Like David, I can find courage through remembering who You are—pondering Your awesome Power and Glory, delighting in Your unfailing Love. I rejoice in knowing I’m on an adventurous journey with You and my ultimate destination is heaven!

As I keep focusing on You and enjoying the rich relationship You offer, my fear gradually subsides. I will trust and not be afraid, for You are my Strength and my Song.

In Your matchless Name, Jesus,


Isaiah 12:2 NASB      Psalm 33:5

Mo Haner