Before Cell Phones

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

What did we ever do before cell phones? Well, some of us stood in the kitchen and listened to party-line gossip while holding a hand-held phone connected to a twisty cord. I’ll never forget a conversation from my own kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen cooking. A call came in and I answered it. This woman wanted to speak to my mom. Mom shook her head “NO” and whispered, “Tell her I’m not here.” I did just that. “I’m sorry, but my mom wants me to tell you she’s not here.” The woman hung up and the expression on mom’s face was pure horror.

A few of us can remember sitting on the sofa with a rotary dialer which matched the color décor of the living room. Then came the cordless phones which were the epitome of convenience. Me personally? I never purchased a cell phone until 2003.

Life changed when cell phones came on the scene. Modern technology has allowed us to connect and see around the world. Now we take great pictures, have face time, zoom meetings, locate kids/grandkids, play games, pay bills, and move money around in our accounts. Has this hurt or helped us?

Before cell phones, we actually spent time with friends and made it a point to get together for coffee or just a chat. There is something to be said for real-life sharing; knee-to-knee and heart-to -heart closeness is important. Now, we can just go to contacts, then press the face-time button and presto, there they are.

Perhaps if we change our thoughts about usage, we might be better off. What are you doing with your phone? Is it for Bible reading? Are you sending an encouraging text to a shut-in? Maybe you’re sending a group email to friends sharing what Jesus has done for you this week! Or are you gambling, watching pornography, or cyber bullying someone? It does make a difference.

Our cell phone records are under the scrutiny of Jesus Christ. He hears and sees what we say and do! If we’re going to use these marvelous inventions, let it be to speak of His love. We are commanded to build up others and give them grace. A cell phone will do nicely.

Listen to this short message and then pull out your cell phone.

Sharing Jesus with Friends

Mo Haner