Complete in You

And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power]. Colossians 2:9-10 (AMP)

I have a loving husband, wonderful family, and awesome friends but there are times when I feel like something is missing. It takes me a while to figure it out, but not as long as it used to. Those feelings sneak in during hectic days as schedules fill up and I’m faced with monstrously huge to-do lists. Then I have this ah-ha moment and realize I am complete only in Him. Sarah Young (Jesus Listens) prays about these issues in her devotion.


Gentle Jesus,

I come to You with my gapping emptiness—knowing that in You I am complete. As I rest quietly in Your Presence, Your glorious Light shines within me. You’ve been teaching me that facing the emptiness inside me is the prelude to being filled with Your fullness. So I can rejoice on the day when I have to drag myself out of bed, feeling sluggish and inadequate. I’m learning this sort of day is a perfect opportunity to depend on You in childlike trust.

Please help me persevere in this dependent stance as I go through the day. If I continue walking in trusting reliance on You, at bedtime I discover that Joy and Peace have become my companions. Usually, I can’t pinpoint the time that these delightful friends join me on my journey. Still, I can feel the beneficial effects of their companionship.

The perfect end to such a day is a doxology of gratitude—praising You for Your bountiful blessings! Let everything that has breath praise You, Lord.

In Your exalted name,


2 Corinthians 4:6     James 1:4     Psalm 150:6

Here is a delightful and catchy tune that will stay with you.

Complete in Him

Mo Haner