How Many Times Must I Tell You?

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4-5 (ESV)

Baby Carrots is purr-fectly as cute as he can be! He knows (at least I think he does) that he is not to be on the dining room table. However, he often pretends he is deaf and/or dumb. As cats go, he is probably an A student in traits of independence, defiance, curiosity and ignoring his master. There is nothing he won’t play with until it is tattered and torn—especially toilet paper.

My arms and legs look like pin cushions. It does not matter any more when I get the squirt bottle of water because he just stands there and blinks or bats his eyes as I squeeze the handle. All the “NO’s” in the world will not deter this little boy cat. He is just full of it!

Recently, I’ve spent some time comparing his attributes and mine. Over my lifetime, I’m sure that Jesus has spent a great deal of time trying to get through to me…but I have not wanted to listen.

I am convinced that I have heard Him say: “Maureen, how many times must I tell you the same thing?” Because of His deep love for me, He never threw in the towel or left me alone. Even when I was out there on the dark side, I knew that He still loved me. I just didn’t want to be bothered with loving Him. Now that, my friends, is a serious confession!

Much like Carrots, I did not want anyone telling me what to do or when to do it. True defiance took over and I ran from Him in the opposite direction for many years. Life seemed fun for a while but then it all got ugly and loneliness set in.

Finally, He pulled out His spiritual squirt bottle and let me have it! My life changed on that day. He welcomed me back home and I was able to rest peacefully in His arms. Had I been a cat, I would have been purring.

Perhaps we all have a few of those cat traits in us. We tend to wander, but for the most part, we always come home.

Living for Jesus

Mo Haner