The Façade

And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:23-24 (ESV)

What a cute little creature! This little critter can fit in an adult hand. A female elephant shrew, more commonly known by her African name of sengi, is 300 times smaller than a lion and 8,000 times smaller than an elephant, weighing just over one pound, yet is twice as fast as a cheetah for its size. They eat ants, termites, beetles, spiders, millipedes, and earthworms. They play a significant role in maintaining natural checks of insect populations.*  Tez Brooks (All God’s Creatures) reflects on what she learned about facades.


“What a weird looking mouse!” I said with a frown.

The little creature had just run in front of a street vendor and me in Madrid, where I was finishing up a mission trip. The rodent’s back legs were extra long, and his snout looked like a worm had attached itself to its face. I later discovered the animal was not a mouse but an elephant shrew—a species native to Northern Africa but also found in Spain.

The shrew looks like a mouse with a small body, large ears, and a skinny tail. However, what makes the appearance of this animal so special is its elephant-like snout. It does look like a miniature pachyderm to me.

I was reminded of my own identity. During this weeklong mission trip, I had been identifying myself as a Christian (a.k.a. little Christ). But did I look and act like Him? Did the title “Christian” truly represent my likeness?

Sadly, I had to admit it often did not. I had grumbled about the long hours and had felt frustrated over language barriers and was disappointed if my food wasn’t perfect.

Not exactly Christlike at times. Thankfully, God used me daily (despite my faults) to help point people to Jesus. But how much more effective could I have been had I been more like Him?

On the flight home, I reflected on the likenesses and differences between the elephant shrew and the elephants and between Jesus and me. I desire to be like this animal, to better look like and model the characteristics of the One for whom I was named—my Lord and Savior, Christ.

To Be Like Jesus

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to show us the way. Teach us how to be more Christ-like today and every day. AMEN.

*Google Facts

Mo Haner