Living in Unity

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

Doesn’t it feel like our world is increasingly divided? Social media, news reports, podcasts, TV shows are filled with messages of division and conflict. Cultures across all societies today are inundated with political conflict, racism, injustice, and other “heavy” issues that result in division among us. 

So, is unity even possible in the world as it is? Is it possible to disagree so much with one another and still be at peace?

David’s message here is an expression of hope for the people of Israel. It’s from one of the “songs of accent” in the Psalms.  Jews traveling to the hilltop city of Jerusalem for a Jewish festival traditionally sang these songs as they made their way to the temple in the city.

David is expressing his absolute belief in the ability of the people of the nation to live together in unity, despite all that seemed to divide them politically and societally. His was rejoicing that all honor, glory, and praise belong to the Father of all creation who created us to be in relationship with Him and one another. David recognized that unity begins and ends with God, and he knew that when he followed God, he had a part to play in making this hope into a reality.

How different might our lives and community be if we lived trusting God to use us to seek unity with fellow believers?

Disagreements or alternative views will not disappear so let us accept that and strive to address them with wisdom and grace.  God’s given us the Holy Spirit to indwell us – a Spirit bringing peace, understanding, kindness, and graciousness. Unity developed through relationships ultimately glorify our Father in heaven.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I may learn to live together with all my brothers and sisters in Christ in godly love and unity, to Your praise and glory. Holy Spirit help me to stand firm in faith, protect me from spiteful discord, disunity, or division. May I honor Him by living with my brothers and sisters in unity. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Unity Hymn

Bobbie Hoffman