A Foretaste of Heaven

The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. Revelation 21:23

I am living in an area where there is snow every day. It is mostly cloudy here in Arnot, PA, and VERY cold. Like Jeanette Levellie (Mornings with Jesus), I can handle the snow and cold—as long as there is a little sunshine mixed into the day. But many days pass without a hint of a break in the clouds. She has a good message to all of us who are struggling with the bleakness of winter.


“Oh, HALLELUJAH, the sun is shining!” I say as I open my window shades on a frigid day. I can endure cold temperatures better if I can see those shimmering rays of light poking through the clouds. Sunshine gives me hope.

My circumstances remain unchanged. I still have health issues, family challenges, and work stress. My savings account hasn’t tripled in size, nor has my kitten quit waking me at 4:30 a.m.

But that warm, glimmering orb in the sky changes my outlook. The sunshine is a foretaste of heaven, that city of glorious light waiting for me.

How sweet to see a glimpse of our future home in the book of Revelation. No shadows or murky skies. No dark worries that hover like clouds. Only light, glowing a million times brighter than the sun. Reaching into every corner, radiating from Jesus’s very being.

No matter how cold, murky, or cloudy my days on earth, I rejoice because there’s a light-filled home waiting for me. The sun and the Son shine hope on every day no matter what the weather.

FAITH STEP: Go into the darkest room of your home. Now turn the light on and thank Jesus for His promise of a bright eternity.

Living Hope

Faithful Father, thank You for sunshine, a foretaste of our eternal home. Remind us that we are just passing through this temporary world. Help us to enjoy each ray of Your Light that shines to brighten our days. AMEN.

Mo Haner