His Name
“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness . . . forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” Exodus 34:6-7
What do you say when you introduce yourself? Most people introduce themselves by saying their name, and they might tell about something they like to do, what their work is, where they are from, or if they are married and how many children they have. People can learn some important things about you right away, just from the words of your introduction.
In the reading from Exodus, God met with Moses and paused to describe Himself so that Moses and His people can know who He is. God called Himself “the Lord” and said He is “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” Similar descriptions of God are included in many places in the Bible. The gracious nature of God is at the heart of His identity. How wonderful it is for us to remember that!
Knowing who God is, we can take comfort that nothing from our past, present, or future will separate us from God’s love. When we meet the God of grace, we can find peace, knowing that God is forgiving, patient, and loving. God’s grace and forgiveness lead us to know Him, and His patience and lovingkindness faithfully guide us to follow Him forever.
Lord, we praise You for Your beautiful name. You are compassionate and merciful. We praise You for forgiving our sin, and for guiding us to follow You always, through Your Son, our Savior Jesus Amen.